
A f days aftr ths vst,Mr.Bngly calld agan,and alon. Hs frnd had lft h that ornng for London, ut as to rturn ho n tn days t.H sat th th aov an hour, and as n rarkaly good sprts. Mrs. Bnnt nvtd h to dn th th; ut, th any xprssons of concrn, h confssd hslf ngagd lshr.

“Nxt t you call,”sad sh,“I hop shall or lucky.”H should partcularly happy at any t,tc.tc.;and f sh ould gv h lav,ould tak an arly opportunty of atng on th.

“Can you co to-orro?”

Ys, h had no ngagnt at all for to-orro; and hr nvtaton as accptd th alacrty.

H ca,and n such vry good t that th lads r non of th drssd.In ran Mrs.Bnnt to hr daughtr's roo,n hr drssng gon,and th hr har half fnshd,cryng out:

“My dar Jan,ak hast and hurry don.H s co—Mr. Bngly s co. H s, ndd. Mak hast, ak hast. Hr, Sarah,co to Mss Bnnt ths ont,and hlp hr on th hr gon.Nvr nd Mss Lzzy's har.”

“W ll don as soon as can,”sad Jan;“ut I dar say Ktty s forardr than thr of us,for sh nt upstars half an hour ago.”