
Th gntln ca;and sh thought h lookd as f h ould hav ansrd hr hops;ut,alas!th lads had crodd round th tal, hr Mss Bnnt as akng ta, and Elzath pourng out th coff,n so clos a confdracy that thr as not a sngl vacancy nar hr hch ould adt of a char.And on th gntln's approachng,on of th grls ovd closr to hr than vr,and sad,n a hspr:

“Th n shan't co and part us,I a dtrnd.W ant non of th;do ?”

Darcy had alkd aay to anothr part of th roo. Sh follod h th hr ys,nvd vryon to ho h spok, had scarcly patnc nough to hlp anyody to coff;and thn as nragd aganst hrslf for ng so slly!

“A an ho has onc n rfusd!Ho could I vr foolsh nough to xpct a rnal of hs lov?Is thr on aong th sx,ho ould not protst aganst such a aknss as a scond proposal to th sa oan?Thr s no ndgnty so ahorrnt to thr flngs!”

Sh as a lttl rvvd,hovr,y hs rngng ack hs coff cup hslf;and sh szd th opportunty of sayng:

“Is your sstr at Prly stll?”

“Ys,sh ll ran thr tll Chrstas.”