
Though Elzath ould not,for th r purpos of olgng Lady Cathrn,hav ansrd ths quston,sh could not ut say,aftr a ont's dlraton:

“I a not.”

Lady Cathrn sd plasd.

“And ll you pros ,nvr to ntr nto such an ngagnt?”

“I ll ak no pros of th knd.”

“Mss Bnnt I a shockd and astonshd.I xpctd to fnd a or rasonal young oan.But do not dcv yourslf nto a lf that I ll vr rcd.I shall not go aay tll you hav gvn th assuranc I rqur.”

“And I crtanly nvr shall gv t.I a not to ntdatd nto anythng so holly unrasonal.Your ladyshp ants Mr. Darcy to arry your daughtr; ut ould y gvng you th shd-for pros ak thr arrag at all or proal? Supposng h to attachd to ,ould y rfusng to accpt hs hand ak h sh to sto t on hs cousn?Allo to say,Lady Cathrn,that th argunts th hch you hav supportd ths xtraordnary applcaton hav n as frvolous as th applcaton as ll-judgd.You hav dly stakn y charactr,f you thnk I can orkd on y such prsuasons as ths.Ho far your nph ght approv of your ntrfrnc n hs affars, I cannot tll; ut you hav crtanly no rght to concrn yourslf n n.I ust g,thrfor,to portund no farthr on th sujct.”